Course curriculum

    1. A message from Dr Kan

    2. How to get the most out of this course

    3. How to Navigate your Course

    4. Learn How To Learn

    5. Before we get started...

    1. 10 Best Supplements for Mold Detox

    2. Vagus Nerve Summit Top 10 Transcripts

    3. 13 steps to balancing brain chemistry

    4. Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve Function For A Superhuman Brain

    5. From-Fatigue-to-Fabulous-ebook

    6. Dr Roger Murphree IBS Gut Brain Connection

    1. High-level lesson: Perfusion

    2. High-level lesson: Anemia

    3. Assessment: Symptoms of Poor Perfusion and Anemia

    4. Assessment Lesson: Lab Tests for Anemia and Iron Deficiency

    5. How-to lesson: Strategies To Improve Perfusion

    6. How-to lesson: Strategies To Improve Anemia

    1. High-Level Lesson: Blood Sugar and Insulin Resistance

    2. High-Level Lesson: Blood Sugar Patterns

    3. Assessment Lesson: Blood Sugar Symptoms

    4. Assessment Lesson: Blood Sugar Lab Test

    5. How-to Lesson: Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies For Optimal Blood Sugar

    6. How-To Lesson: Supplement Strategies For Optimal Blood Sugar

    1. High-level lesson: Digestion Brain-Gut Axis

    2. Assessment Lesson: Brain-Gut Axis

    3. How To Lesson: Brain- Gut Axis

    4. High Level Lesson: Digestion- Stomach

    5. Assessment Lesson: Stomach

    6. How To Lesson- Stomach

    1. High Level Lesson Part One: Pancreas and Gall Bladder

    2. High Level Lesson Part Two: Pancreas and Gall Bladder

    3. High Level Lesson Part Three: Pancreas and Gall Bladder

    4. Assessment Lesson: Pancreas and Gall Bladder

    5. How To Lesson: Pancreas and Gall Bladder

About this course

  • $2,997.00
  • 140 lessons
  • 38.5 hours of video content